The death has occurred of:
Willie Rafferty
We, the family, of the late William (Willie) Rafferty wish to convey our heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported and sympathised with us on our recent bereavement of a much-loved Husband, Father, Father-in-law, Grandfather and Great Grandfather.
We offer special thanks to all our relatives, neighbours and friends. We have been touched and comforted by the many callers to our family home and the number of cards and messages received. A special word of thanks to Brendan Doyle, Kevin and Brian McGartland who gave so much practical support in the preparation of the wake and funeral.
Sincere thanks to Paudge Quinn for the caring, professional and dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out. Also heartfelt thanks to Fr Pat Hannigan and Plunkett McGartland for the beautiful words and music during the service.
We trust everyone, too numerous to mention individually, will accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our sincere appreciation of evryones kind words and gestures.
Willie’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday 23rd February at 7.30pm in St Josephs Church, Ackinduff.
Dearly loved and sadly missed by Patricia and family.