You can leave a condolence/sympathy message on by simply clicking on the ‘Leave a Condolence’ button which appears at the bottom of all Death Notices (this is where your message will appear). The message will be displayed with the death notice and viewable as long as the death notice remains on There is a one off charge of £14 to leave your notice regardless of the length of your message.
Tips for writing a condolence/sympathy notice.
Generally there are seven points that can be included, just make up your own mind as to how many or few you include.
1. Acknowledge the loss and refer to the deceased by name.
2. Express your sympathy.
3. Note one or more of the deceased's special qualities that come to mind.
4. Include your favourite memory of the deceased.
5. Remind the bereaved of his or her personal strengths and/or special qualities.
6. Offer to help the survivor in a specific way..
7. End with a thoughtful hope, wish or sympathy expression.
Examples include "You are in my thoughts" or "I will always be here to support you."