William John SCOBIE

Daughter Hazel, Sons Ronnie and Wiliam, Son-in-Law Robert, Daughter in Law's Jean and Hilary, Brother Ken and all the Scobie family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement.

Heartfelt thanks to all family, friends and neighbours who called to the family home, sent cards, messaged, attended the funeral service, To all who provided food to the family home, gave donations in lieu of flowers or helped in anyway.

Our deepest thanks to Tommy and Margaret for all the years of friendship and kindness you both have shown to William.

Sincere thanks to the Doctors, nurses and staff of Altnagelvin Hospital wards 24 and 42, Donemana Medical Practice, JPK Colhoun's Chemist, Rushhall Nursing Home, District Nursing and the home care teams for all the care and attention William has received through the years and as of recent.

Special thanks to the Rev Captain Richard Beadle for visiting, prayers and conducting the funeral service, Mrs Jayne Kee for the beautiful music, Norman McDonald Sexton and to Daughter in Law Hilary Scobie for conducting the reading during the funeral service.

Our deepest gratitude to the Ladies of St James Parish and Hilltop Café, Donemana who provided a wonderful tea following the service.

A special word of thanks to David and Ruth Hay & Sons Funeral Directors for the professional and dignified manner you conducted all the funeral arrangements, the kindness shown to the Scobie family and the many years of friendship shared with William.

It is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgment will be accepted by all as a token of our deepest appreciation.

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D & R Hay and Sons Funeral Directors

24a Church Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
Visit Website
028 7131 2567 / 028 7134 4922
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The death has occurred of:
William John SCOBIE

Daughter Hazel, Sons Ronnie and Wiliam, Son-in-Law Robert, Daughter in Law's Jean and Hilary, Brother Ken and all the Scobie family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement.

Heartfelt thanks to all family, friends and neighbours who called to the family home, sent cards, messaged, attended the funeral service, To all who provided food to the family home, gave donations in lieu of flowers or helped in anyway.

Our deepest thanks to Tommy and Margaret for all the years of friendship and kindness you both have shown to William.

Sincere thanks to the Doctors, nurses and staff of Altnagelvin Hospital wards 24 and 42, Donemana Medical Practice, JPK Colhoun's Chemist, Rushhall Nursing Home, District Nursing and the home care teams for all the care and attention William has received through the years and as of recent.

Special thanks to the Rev Captain Richard Beadle for visiting, prayers and conducting the funeral service, Mrs Jayne Kee for the beautiful music, Norman McDonald Sexton and to Daughter in Law Hilary Scobie for conducting the reading during the funeral service.

Our deepest gratitude to the Ladies of St James Parish and Hilltop Café, Donemana who provided a wonderful tea following the service.

A special word of thanks to David and Ruth Hay & Sons Funeral Directors for the professional and dignified manner you conducted all the funeral arrangements, the kindness shown to the Scobie family and the many years of friendship shared with William.

It is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgment will be accepted by all as a token of our deepest appreciation.

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Kirwan Funeral Directors

D & R Hay and Sons Funeral Directors

24a Church Road,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

Visit Website

028 7131 2567 / 028 7134 4922

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