The death has occurred of:
William (Billy) HUTCHINSON
The family of William (Billy) Hutchinson of 8 Dunavon Heights Dungannon, who died on 27th December 2020 would like to sincerely thank those who sympathised with them. We offer our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to our family, friends and neighbours who offered their sympathy and support to us.
We took great comfort from the support of everyone in both Dungannon and all over the world who joined us to celebrate his life in the Chapel via parish webcam.
A special word of thanks to the doctors and nurses in the Southern Trust Acute care team and the Clogher Valley care team who cared for Billy throughout his short illness.
We are immensely grateful to PJ & Patrick Quinn for the dignified and professional funeral arrangements and for making an extremely difficult time for us that little bit easier. We also offer thanks to the gravedigger in Kilkenny.
We would like to offer sincere thanks to those who contributed to Billys funeral Mass. Dean Kevin Donaghy for his spiritual support and celebration of requiem Mass and Malachi Cush and Plunkett McGartland for their beautiful music.
Over the past month our family and friends support has continued and we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a small gesture of our heartfelt gratitude.
Billys month mind will be celebrated on Wednesday 27th January 2021 at 10am in St Patricks Chapel Dungannon. Due to the current restrictions this can viewed via parish webcam.