The death has occurred of:
The wife and family of the late Walter Jordan, 27 Castlebalfour Road, Lisnaskea, wish to express their sincere gratitude and thanks to everyone who sympathised and supported them in their recent bereavement.
We are also appreciative of the many sympathy cards, letters and on-line messages received. Sincere thanks to those who sent flowers or donations.
The family will always be indebted and want to thank all those who provided wonderful loving care for Walter so he could remain at home.
Special thanks for their kindness, friendship and support is extended to Lisnaskea District Nurses, Rapid Response and Marie Curie Nurses, Enable Care Services, Private Carers, Occupational Therapists, Maple Health Care, extended family members and friends.
Sincere thanks to Rev Alan Capper for his prayers, support and meaningful service.
Thanks to the organist, Mrs Letty Downey and Willie Ritchie church Sexton and the gravedigger.
Thank you to Noel Robinson, Dowler’s Funeral Services who carried out the Funeral arrangements in a dignified and professional manner.
Thanks to Carrybridge Hotel for an excellent Funeral Reception.
We trust this acknowledgment is accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation.