The death has occurred of:
Vincent DEERY
The family of the late Vincent Deery, who passed away on the 15th June 2024, wish to express their heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised with them on the recent loss of their beloved husband, father, father-in-law, papa and brother.
Sincere thanks to everyone who called at the house, brought food, sent Mass cards, sympathy cards and floral tributes and attended the funeral.
Special thanks to Father Noel McDermott for visiting Vincent and celebrating the funeral mass and to Michelle Conaghan and Declan Carlin for providing the beautiful music at the Mass.
Sincere thanks to W.J. O’Brien Funeral Directors for the professional and dignified way they handled the funeral arrangements.
Thanks to Shauna Lynch and staff for providing the catering after the funeral and to St Mary’s Slaughtmanus GAC for the use of their facilities. It was very much appreciated.
We acknowledge the support of everyone who offered prayers and asked for Vincent during his illness, the expertise of all staff at Eglinton Medical Practice, Aberfoyle Medical Practice and, in particular, Owen Mor Nursing Home who cared for Vincent in the later years of his sickness.
As it would not be possible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a small token of our appreciation for all the kindness shown to our family.
Vincent’s month mind Mass will be celebrated at St Mary’s Church Tamnaherin at 6.30pm on Saturday 20th July. All welcome.
Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul.