Veronica FOWLEY


The sons and daughters of the late Veronica Fowley would like to offer our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all our family, friends and neighbours who supported us during our recent bereavement.

We would like to thank everyone who called at our home, provided food, sent Mass/Sympathy cards, flower tributes, telephoned and messaged through social media.

A special thank you to both the Glenavon Hotel and Greenvale Hotel for all their help provided.

Thank you to everyone who attended the funeral in person and via the Parish webcam and to those who paid their respects by standing outside the home, chapel and cemetery.

Our sincere thanks to Fr Boyle and Fr Slater for their spiritual support and celebrating Mummy’s requiem mass.
A special thank you to the church sacristan and to SonLight for their beautiful music and singing.

We would like to acknowledge the nurses of the Coronary Care Ward of Antrim Hospital for their care of mummy and compassion during a difficult time.

Sincere thanks to Colleen and Joanna and staff of Niall A Loughran Funeral Directors for their dignified and professional manner in which they carried out all funeral arrangements and to the cemetery attendants who prepared mummy’s resting place.

To everyone who helped in any way please accept this acknowledgement as a gesture of our deep gratitude.

Veronica’s Month’s mind mass will be celebrated in Holy Trinity Church Cookstown on Sunday 31st July @ 9.30 am

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Service Arrangements

Service date & Time

31 July 2022, 9.30AM



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Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors & Funeral Homes

Railway Yard,
Co. Tyrone
Visit Website
028 8676 5454 / 07732542229
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The death has occurred of:
Veronica FOWLEY

The sons and daughters of the late Veronica Fowley would like to offer our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all our family, friends and neighbours who supported us during our recent bereavement.

We would like to thank everyone who called at our home, provided food, sent Mass/Sympathy cards, flower tributes, telephoned and messaged through social media.

A special thank you to both the Glenavon Hotel and Greenvale Hotel for all their help provided.

Thank you to everyone who attended the funeral in person and via the Parish webcam and to those who paid their respects by standing outside the home, chapel and cemetery.

Our sincere thanks to Fr Boyle and Fr Slater for their spiritual support and celebrating Mummy’s requiem mass.
A special thank you to the church sacristan and to SonLight for their beautiful music and singing.

We would like to acknowledge the nurses of the Coronary Care Ward of Antrim Hospital for their care of mummy and compassion during a difficult time.

Sincere thanks to Colleen and Joanna and staff of Niall A Loughran Funeral Directors for their dignified and professional manner in which they carried out all funeral arrangements and to the cemetery attendants who prepared mummy’s resting place.

To everyone who helped in any way please accept this acknowledgement as a gesture of our deep gratitude.

Veronica’s Month’s mind mass will be celebrated in Holy Trinity Church Cookstown on Sunday 31st July @ 9.30 am


Funeral Details

Service Date & Time

31 July 2022, 9.30AM


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors & Funeral Homes

Railway Yard,
Co. Tyrone

Visit Website

028 8676 5454 / 07732542229

View Directory Profile