The death has occurred of:
Tony (wee Josie) Irvine
Tony (wee Josie) Irvine
Died 2nd October 2024
The daughter and sons of the Late Tony (wee Josie) Irvine would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those that attended our beloved fathers wake, sent Mass card’s, flowers and attended the funeral.
We. Would also like to thank the emergency services for their support on the morning of our fathers death.
A special thanks to his sister, brother, nieces and nephews for your support during the wake.
We would also like to thank the co-op in Galliagh and McDaids bakery.
Our thanks to Fr Sean O’Donnell for his visits to the house during the wake and the beautiful Mass.
We would like to thank Erin and Isobel for the beautiful singing and music.
We would also like to thank Carr family Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which you carried out our fathers funeral arrangements.
A special thanks to Sean Carr for everything you have done over the wake and funeral and after.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation we are great-full for the kindness extended to our family during this difficult time.
The Irvine Family