The family of the late Thomas Mallaghan, Kim (John), Helen, Sean (Bev), would like to express their deep appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all those who paid respect in any way.

Thanks to those who sent mass cards and sympathy cards, and to those who left messages online or via social media.

Thank you to those who called at the wake house, helped, brought food, and those who lined the funeral route, and to those who joined us at the funeral mass.

A special word of thanks to Fr Brendan Gallagher, for his spiritual support and funeral mass. Also to everyone who took part in any way in the funeral mass.

Thank you to Marcus Madill, funeral Director, for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out, and to the gravedigger George for preparing Tommy’s final resting place.

Thank you to the Royal British Legion FMT, Una and staff of the Edfield Restaurant, for the very welcoming refreshments after the burial.

And finally, we send our grateful thanks to the medical professionals to whom Tommy came into contact with over the years, and especially COPD Team Armagh, Enable Care, Doctors and Nurses of the SWAH who attended Tommy with care and compassion.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a gesture of our family’s deepest gratitude.

Tommy is loved and missed every day, may his gentle, generous, kind soul be granted peace and eternal rest.

Tommy’s month mind mass will be celebrated at St Mary’s Church FMT on Sunday 28th July at 10.00am.

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Marcus Madill - S.R. Elliott Funeral Directors

Drumclay Park North Irvinestown Road,
Enniskillen BT74 6ND,
Co. Fermanagh
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028 6632 4747
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The death has occurred of:

The family of the late Thomas Mallaghan, Kim (John), Helen, Sean (Bev), would like to express their deep appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all those who paid respect in any way.

Thanks to those who sent mass cards and sympathy cards, and to those who left messages online or via social media.

Thank you to those who called at the wake house, helped, brought food, and those who lined the funeral route, and to those who joined us at the funeral mass.

A special word of thanks to Fr Brendan Gallagher, for his spiritual support and funeral mass. Also to everyone who took part in any way in the funeral mass.

Thank you to Marcus Madill, funeral Director, for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out, and to the gravedigger George for preparing Tommy’s final resting place.

Thank you to the Royal British Legion FMT, Una and staff of the Edfield Restaurant, for the very welcoming refreshments after the burial.

And finally, we send our grateful thanks to the medical professionals to whom Tommy came into contact with over the years, and especially COPD Team Armagh, Enable Care, Doctors and Nurses of the SWAH who attended Tommy with care and compassion.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a gesture of our family’s deepest gratitude.

Tommy is loved and missed every day, may his gentle, generous, kind soul be granted peace and eternal rest.

Tommy’s month mind mass will be celebrated at St Mary’s Church FMT on Sunday 28th July at 10.00am.

Funeral Details


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Marcus Madill - S.R. Elliott Funeral Directors

Drumclay Park North Irvinestown Road,
Enniskillen BT74 6ND,
Co. Fermanagh

Visit Website

028 6632 4747

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