The death has occurred of:
Thomas James (Jim) ARCHER
Archer Thomas James (Jim)
His wife Janet, sons Craig & Ross, his mother Eileen, sister Elaine, Marty & family and all the family circle wish to thank all the kind friends and neighbours who sympathised with them in their sudden bereavement.
A special word of thanks to the staff of the Intensive Care Unit, Craigavon Area Hospital for their care and attention and also to the staff of Ulster Carpets for their help.
A special word of thanks to the Rector Canon David Hilliard and Select Vestry of Tartaraghan Parish Church for the use of the Church and Church Hall. To the catering staff for providing refreshments and a special word of thanks to Rev. Ken Robinson for conducting the service also to the organist Beulah Robinson.
Thanks to Alan Wray & Co. Funeral Directors, for the professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
Thanks to the gravedigger Mr. William Richardson and to all those who sent cards of sympathy, telephoned, attended the funeral, gave donations or helped in any way.
Trusting this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation