The death has occurred of:
Teresa Mimnagh (née Logue)
We, the family of Teresa Mimnagh, would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who shared in our grief and offered their condolences during the recent loss of our beloved mother, grandmother, and sister.
Our sincere thanks go out to our entire family circle, friends, neighbours, and all who provided support during the wake and funeral.
We are deeply appreciative of those who prepared and brought food, made donations, sent sympathy cards and other condolences, visited the family home, and attended the funeral. Your kindness during this difficult time has been a great source of comfort, showing us how well-loved and respected Teresa was.
Special thanks are extended to all who cared for Teresa during her illness, particularly the staff at Three Rivers care home, Derg Valley Care and her at-home carers. We are grateful for their dedication and compassion.
We wish to thank Fr. Fraser and Fr. Canning for their spiritual guidance and support. Our appreciation goes to Fr. Fraser for delivering a touching, personal homily and Requiem Mass, which brought great solace to our family. We also thank the Sacristan, Eucharistic Ministers, and all those who participated in the funeral Mass, including those who provided the beautiful music and singing.
Our gratitude goes to those who supplied the lighting and helped with parking during the wake, gravediggers for preparing Teresa’s final resting place and to Sean O’Kane and Sons for their compassionate handling of the funeral arrangements. We also thank those who provided the tea and refreshments after the service.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation to all who paid their respects and supported us during this time.
Teresa’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, 10th November at 11am in St. Patrick’s Church, Langfield, Drumquin.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for Teresa. May she rest in peace.