The death has occurred of:
Teresa (Tessie) McCallan
The daughters, brother and entire family circle of the late Teresa (Tessie) McCallan wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised and supported us during our recent sad bereavement.
Thanks to all our relatives, friends and neighbours who brought gifts of food, those who provided refreshments in the family home and those who assisted with parking. Thanks to those who called at the family home to offer their condolences, brought Mass/sympathy cards, made donations to Marie Curie, sent letters of comfort, telephoned and those who attended the wake and funeral.
Our thanks to Aidan O’Gara for providing the marquee and Harte Demolition for providing the lighting and traffic control.
We wish to thank the Community Nurses, the Doctors, Nurses and Staff of Drumragh Family Practice, especially Dr. Liz O’Hanlon, and the Staff of Castle
Pharmacy. Special thanks to Social Worker Nichola, Mum’s three carers Emma, Danielle and Dagmara. the OT’s, Palliative Care Team, Rapid Response Team, Marie Curie Nurses, Ryan at Ottobock Healthcare, Care for Cancer and Termonmaguirc Cancer Patients’ Comfort Fund.
Our heartfelt thanks to Fr. Sean O’Neill P.P. for his spiritual support and for the beautiful Requiem Mass.
We convey our sincere appreciation to the choir and musicians for providing the beautiful singing and music which enhanced the Liturgy, the Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Sacristan and Grave-diggers.
A special thank you to St. Teresa’s and Holy Family Primary Schools for providing the Guard of Honour.
We would also like to thank L.D.C.A. for the use of the hall and the Charm Inn for providing refreshments after the funeral.
Our heartfelt thanks to Fox & McCallan Funeral Directors for the dignified and caring manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements. The family will forever be indebted to them for the kindness and compassion shown to us during a very difficult and sad time.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Mum’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday, 24th March at 7.30pm in St.
Mary’s Church, Loughmacrory.