The death has occurred of:
Teenie (Christina) McAleer
We, the sons & daughter of the late Teenie, wish to express our sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised & supported us through our recent sad bereavement. Teenie was a highly respect lady in the widespread community, a devoted mother, a doting grandmother, a precious daughter, very much-loved sister, fondly loved mother-in-law, aunt, cousin, niece and special friend to many.
So many people have helped mummy over the past year, and right up to her final journey. A special word of thanks to mummy’s sisters, who helped care for her with such dignity in her final year, without their help, we would not have been able to keep her at home where she wanted to be.
Special word of thanks also to: -
•The carers
•District nurses
•Marie Curie nurses
•Medical Professionals & Ward Staff at Altnagelvin Hospital
•Palliative Care Ward in Omagh
•Three Spires Surgery, in particular Dr McGarvey and Kate
•Bradley Pharmacy, Omagh
•Visitors at the wake and/or those who brought food
•All those whose brought or sent Mass/Sympathy Cards
•Hard working Ladies and Gentlemen providing Refreshments at wake
•Party-Town Marquees
•Fr Declan McGeehan & Fr Kevin McElhennon
•Attendees at Mummy’s requiem mass and watched online
•John Garrity Music
Music was a huge part of mummy’s life and this was one of her final wishes. John’s music was outstanding
•PG Videos & photography
We now have something so precious to us all, and for her grandchildren in years to come.
•FMC Funeral services
•Old Charm Inn Carrickmore
Mum built up such a close relationship with a lot of people, thank you all for being part of her life. As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a gesture of our family’s deepest appreciation.
Mummy’s month’s mind Mass will take place on Thursday 30th May, at 7:30pm, Christ the King Chapel, Strathroy