The death has occurred of:
Sean Patterson
Died 25th August, 2024.
We, the family of the late Sean Patterson would like to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to all those who sympathised with us during our recent sad bereavement.
We would like to thank and acknowledge all those who paid their respects in any way. Our gratitude goes to all our kind relatives, friends and neighbours who helped over the wake and Funeral, sent Mass or sympathy cards, flowers and attended the Funeral.
Thanks to Quinns Corner who provided food and refreshments after the Funeral Mass.
We would like to thank Dean Donaghy for the celebration of the Mass, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers and family who brought up gifts.
Thanks to Malachi Cush and Andrew McMurdie for the beautiful singing and music and to Frank Gildernew for playing the bagpipes.
Our appreciation to Paudge Quinn of E. Quinn and Son Funeral Directors for the professional and dignified way in which he carried out the Funeral arrangements. Also, to the gravediggers who prepared Dad's resting place.
A special thank you to Martin and Debbie McKenna, his lifelong friends for everything they have done. Also, to Dungannon Classic Car and Vintage Club for the Guard of Honour as well as Monaghan Veteran and Vintage
Thanks to the School children also for doing a Guard of Honour at the Chapel on arrival.
Thanks to Sinead Goodwin, Flowers by Arrangement for the beautiful flowers.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation.
Sean's Months Mind Mass wiil be celebrated on Wednesday 25th
September at 7.30pm in St Patrick's Church, Dungannon.
Your life was a blessing,
Your memory a treasure,
You are loved beyond words,
And missed beyond measure .