The death has occurred of:
Seamus McLaughlin
We, the family of the late Seamus McLaughlin would like to express our sincere thanks for the comfort and support shown to us by our relatives, friends, neighbours and colleagues during our recent bereavement.
We want to acknowledge all the people who attended the wake and funeral and to thank all those who paid their respects in any way, those who sent Mass cards and sympathy cards, private messages, phone calls and offered floral tributes. A special word of thanks to those who helped out serving refreshments during the wake and to all those who brought food to the house, your time and kindness was very much appreciated.
Thank you to Father Farren for his spiritual support and the lovely requiem mass. And, we would like to thank Sarah and Damien for the beautiful singing, and music during the Mass.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Deborah, Seamus, Eugene and John of McLaughlin Funeral Directors for meeting our specific needs and taking care of all the funeral arrangements, we are so grateful for the professional and dignified service you offered.
Seamus’s Month Mind Mass will be celebrated on Monday 25th of April in St. Patrick’s Church, Iskaheen, Muff at 7:30pm