The death has occurred of:
Yvonne, Sharon, Rhona, Rodney, Jill, David and families grieve deeply for the loss of a dear husband, daddy, granda and great granda. Rowland was and will remain very special to us as a family.
There are many people from which we received love, support and help prior to Rowland's passing and during the wake and funeral. Each and every one of you should know that we will always remember and appreciate your friendship and faithfulness towards us. It was clear to see from the turnout at his wake and funeral, that Rowland was special to lots of people but especially to his many friends in the Church, Loyal Orders and the community of Tychany which he lived in for over 70 years before he retired to Omagh, a retirement he thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you to our Omagh neighbours for calling in and for the chats over the fence which Rowland loved.
To Rev. Edwin Frazer who never failed to visit Rowland regularly when declining health set in. We shall never forget the prayerful support and visits during our hours of great need, especially in the last week of Rowland's life. Thank you to Rev. Jane Nelson for reading and praying with Rowland too, also his colleagues in the Eldership of Glenhoy Presbyterian Church, thank you. To the many people who sent sympathy cards and letters, the verses of scripture and the kind words written were and continue to be a great comfort and for all the texts and telephone calls, thank you. To all who brought gifts of food, flowers and gave donations, thank you so much. To the Select Vestry of Termonmaguirke Parish Church for allowing us the use of their tables and chairs, thank you. To family and friends who helped to serve tea at the wake, a big thank you.
We want to say a further thank you to Rev. Edwin Frazer for conducting the funeral service, to Canon Alan Irwin for taking part, to Andrew Mulligan for piping at the church, and to the organist, Alan Patterson and pianist, Gael Haslett. Our sincere thanks to John, Keith and Heather from J. H. Anderson & Sons, Beragh, for their undertaking duties which were caring and professional at all times. To the gravedigger, thank you.
We were very grateful to Doctors Gribben, McMullin and McGarvey from Three Spires Surgery, the Respiratory Nurses, District Nurses, Rapid Response Team and Marie Curie who always provided respectable and professional care to Rowland. To the car park and door stewards on the day of the funeral and for the use of Glenageeragh Orange Hall for the overflowing seating and the funeral tea, thank you. Thank you to John and Kim of Edfield Catering, Fivemiletown, for the excellent refreshments they served at the funeral tea.
It is impossible to name and thank everyone individually so we trust you will know that if your name is among those unmentioned that you will accept this token of our sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks.
The Mulligan family; Omagh, Clogher, Donaghmore, Ballygawley, Carrickmore and Antrim.