The death has occurred of:
Rose Mc Laughlin
The partner, Dominic and family of the late Rose mcLaughlin who passed away on 23rd Jan 2023 wish to thank everyone who sympathised with them on the recent sad bereavement Those who sent cards and messages of sympathy,called at the Funeral Home or attended the funeral.
We would like to thank Woodmount Nursing Home and staff for their kind attention given to Rose during her stay there and to Riverside Practice for their attention to Rose.
Our sincere thanks to Fr mcDevitt for his words of comfort at the Requiem Mass and to Quigley undertakers for their very efficient service.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere gratitude.
Rose's Month`s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Patrick's Church, Killenagh on Saturday 25th February at 6.30pm.