The death has occurred of:
Rosaleen McCormick (née McGilligan)
We, the family of the late Rosaleen McCormick would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all who sympathised with us in our recent and very sad loss of dearly loved wife, mammy and sister.
A sincere and heartfelt thanks to A+E Altnagelvin Hosptial, RICU Royal Victoria Hospital (5C), Ward 22 Altnagelvin and Dr Yau in Altnagelvin for all their amazing care and attention.
Thank you to Carolyn, Sinead and all of those who provided their amazing holistic therapy to Rosaleen when in hospital.
A heartfelt thanks to all those who called at the house and attended the funeral especially those who travelled a distance. Thank you to all who sent mass cards, sympathy cards, messages of condolences and the kind gifts of food.
We are beyond grateful for all of the support and kindness at this very sad and difficult time.
Thanks to Fr. Joseph for celebrating the requiem mass. A sincere thank you to Joelene and Martin for their beautiful music and singing during the requiem mass.
Many thanks to the staff at the Benedy Hall for providing the lovely tea and refreshments after the funeral and for their help.
Finally we would like to thank Brendan and Thomas O'Brien of O'Brien's Funeral Directors for the dignified and very professional manner of the funeral arrangements.
As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation and thanks.