The death has occurred of:
Rosaleen McAleer
We, the family of the late Rosaleen McAleer, Loughnamarve Road, Limehill, Pomeroy wish to convey our heartfelt thanks and deepest appreciation to all those who sympathized and supported us during the period of our bereavement.
We thank those family, friends and neighbours who helped us in so many ways; those who attended the wake and funeral, those who sent mass cards, messages of sympathy or brought gifts. Your thoughtfulness and generosity has been a great source of comfort to us.
A particular thanks to Father Moore for his most consoling requiem Mass. Many thanks also to Eamon Donnelly and Jackie Fox for the beautiful music and singing. Also, thanks to the gravedigger
Sincere thanks to the management and staff of Brookland’s nursing home and Drapersfield nursing home who have provided outstanding care throughout the years of Rosaleen’s illness; we are immensely grateful for your skilled and devoted care.
Thank you to K.M. Quinn funeral directors for their professional guidance and direction with the funeral arrangements and to The Glenavon House Hotel for the beautiful meal following the Funeral Mass.
As it Is impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this acknowledgment will be accepted by all as a token of our heartfelt appreciation.
Rosaleen’s month’s mind Mass will be celebrated in the Church of the Assumption, Pomeroy, on Wednesday 30th October at 7.30pm.