The death has occurred of:
Robert (Robbie) SNODGRASS
The Family of the late Robert (Robbie) Snodgrass would like to thank everyone who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement. For all those who attended the wake, funeral and especially those who travelled to be with us sent cards and donations in lieu of flowers.
A special thanks to the doctors and nursing staff at Altnagelvin Hospital for there care over 27 weeks in hospital.
Special thanks to Rev Stephen Hibbert for visiting, prayers and conducting the funeral service also the sexton and the ladies of the church for supplying the lovely teas after church service it was very much appreciated.
A special word of thanks to David & Ruth Hay & Sons funeral directors for the professional and dignified manner you conducted all funeral arrangements and the kindness shown to the Snodgrass families.
It is impossible to thank everyone individually and we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our deepest appreciation.