The death has occurred of:
Robert (Bobby) BOYLE
Month's Mind Mass / Acknowledgement
Robert (Bobby) Boyle
The family of the late Bobby Boyle wish to express their sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement. Heartfelt thanks to all relatives, friends and neighbours who called to the family home, sent cards and flowers, attended the funeral, or helped in any way.
Sincere thanks to all the staff in Oakleaves Care Centre for their care of Bobby. Also thanks to staff in Altnagalvin Ward 44 and A&E.
Special thanks to Fr McCaughey and Fr Mulhern for conducting the funeral service and interment.
A sincere word of thanks to Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we trust this acknowledgment will be accepted by all as a token of our deep and sincere appreciation.
Bobby’s months mind mass will be celebrated in St Joseph’s Church, Galliagh on Monday 1st April at 11.00am.