The death has occurred of:
Raymond HILL
The Family of the late Raymond Hill (Reme) wish to express our heartfelt appreciation for all the support received during our recent bereavement.
Thank you to those who attended the wake and funeral, sent cards & messages also those who could not attend but who’s thoughts were with us.
Thanks to Shambles and Backford Takeaway and all who provided refreshments over the wake, to those who helped at the house over the wake.
A special word of thanks to The Ambulance Service of NI & Neighbour Karen Tierney for all your help, support and dignified manner in which you cared for Raymond
Thanks to Fr Donaghy for requiem mass, those who did readings & prayers of the faithful, gravediggers and to Grainne Maxwell for beautiful singing during the mass.
Sincere thanks to Patrick & PJ Quinn at P. Quinn & Son Funeral Directors for the caring, attentive & respectful manner in which they conducted the funeral and arrangements.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation.
Raymond’s months mind mass will be celebrated in St Patricks Church Dungannon on Wednesday 12th June 2024 at 7.30pm.