The death has occurred of:
Phyllis McGRATH (née Kenna)
Phyllis McGrath RIP (nee Kenna, Springdale, Dungannon).
The husband (Sean) and sons (Martin and Gareth) of the late Phyllis McGrath wish to express our sincere thanks to everyone who sympathised and supported us during our recent bereavement.
We thank our family circle, friends and neighbours for all their help; to those who attended the wake, called, sent cards, brought gifts and food and helped in any way.
Thanks to Eoghan Ruadh Hurling Club & Thomas Clarkes GFC for providing the essentials for the wake, and to those who stewarted. To Aodh Ruadh LGFC for their help in the wake and the guard of honour at the funeral.
A special word of thanks to Fr Eamon McCamley for celebrating Phyllis' funeral mass and for all his support in her final days.
We thank the staff of Willow Grove Nursing Home and Craigavon Area Hospital for the caring and professional nature in which they cared for Phyllis.
We are so grateful to Patrick and PJ Quinn for their care and attention to detail in carrying out the funeral arrangements.
Thanks also to Sid and Ciaran the grave diggers for preparing her final place of rest.
A special word of thanks to Malachi Cush for the very fitting music at her funeral mass, and to all who read and brought up gifts.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgment will be accepted as a sincere token of our heartfelt appreciation.
Phyllis's Months Mind Mass will take place on Saturday 19th August in St. Patrick’s Church, Dungannon at 6.15pm.