The death has occurred of:
Philomena O'NEILL
The family of the late Philomena O'Neill 4a Quarry Road, Dungannon wish to thank all those who sympathised and supported them in their recent bereavement.
Our sincere thanks to all our friends and neighbours who sent messages of sympathy, telephoned, attended the wake, funeral, brought food, refreshments and helped in any way.
A special thanks to Dean Donaghy for his pastoral support and beautiful funeral mass. Also Andrea and Philomena Begley, Damien Cullen and Paula Devlin for the moving music and hymns.
We are most grateful to the Community Nursing team, Ann's Home Care, Campbell Surgery and Donaghys pharmacy for all their support and kindness shown to Philomena.
To PJ Quinn & Son Funeral Directors for the professional and dignified manner the funeral arrangements were carried out. Also to all who donated to Southern Area Hospice.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation.
Philomena's Months Mind mass will be celebrated on Thursday 27th April at 7.30pm in St. Patrick's Church Dungannon.