Peter McGrath


Peter McGrath
The family of the late Peter McGrath wish to express our sincere thanks for the support and sympathies extended to us on Peters recent passing.
We wish to thank our extended family and friends who have supported us and Peter throughout his initial Parkinsons diagnosis and who continue to do so throughout these sad days.
We also wish to thank those who have called to our home or sent messages by letter, text, phone, card or social media.
To Peters carers from Enable Care Agency and to Stephanie Wilson from Clogher Valley Care Agency. Your ongoing assistance and care enabled us to keep Peter at home where he was happiest.
To Dr McKay and the staff of Ardmore Medical Practice. We will remain forever grateful for your professional dedication and help, especially in ensuring that Peter remained comfortable at home for his final days.
To Denver and the staff of the Torrent Pharmacy who ensured that no prescription went unfilled. Your assistance throughout Peters illness will always be remembered.
To the acute care team who initially treated Peter as his condition deteriorated. Your ability to treat Peter in his own home was truly amazing and enabled our family to undertake this sad journey together. This will never be forgotten.
To the Torrent Centre in Donaghmore for the lend of chairs, etc. To The Port Mor Restaurant and The Wildflower Café for meals during Peters illness and wake.
To all those who provided and served refreshments, directed traffic, assisted with parking throughout the wake and on the morning of the funeral.
Thank you to those that lined the route of the funeral procession to pay their respects and to Peters teaching colleagues that provided a guard of honour to the chapel door.
To Fr Kevin Donohoe and Fr Gerard McAleer for your guidance and support and for the beautiful Funeral Mass that celebrated Peters life so fully.
To Malachi and Plunkett for the music and singing that further enhanced the celebration of Peters life. It was simply beautiful.
To Fr Patrick Breslin PE. AP. who administered communion to Peter throughout his illness.
To the staff in Quinns corner for the beautiful meal following Peters funeral.
Finally, we would like to thank Paudge Quinn and colleagues for the professional, dignified and very personal way that Peters wake and funeral were conducted.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our appreciation.
Peters months mind mass will be celebrated on Friday 5th of July in St Patricks Church Donaghmore at 7.30pm.

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E. Quinn & Sons

175 Ballygawley Road,
Co. Tyrone
028 8776 7529 / 07712 888791
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The death has occurred of:
Peter McGrath

Peter McGrath
The family of the late Peter McGrath wish to express our sincere thanks for the support and sympathies extended to us on Peters recent passing.
We wish to thank our extended family and friends who have supported us and Peter throughout his initial Parkinsons diagnosis and who continue to do so throughout these sad days.
We also wish to thank those who have called to our home or sent messages by letter, text, phone, card or social media.
To Peters carers from Enable Care Agency and to Stephanie Wilson from Clogher Valley Care Agency. Your ongoing assistance and care enabled us to keep Peter at home where he was happiest.
To Dr McKay and the staff of Ardmore Medical Practice. We will remain forever grateful for your professional dedication and help, especially in ensuring that Peter remained comfortable at home for his final days.
To Denver and the staff of the Torrent Pharmacy who ensured that no prescription went unfilled. Your assistance throughout Peters illness will always be remembered.
To the acute care team who initially treated Peter as his condition deteriorated. Your ability to treat Peter in his own home was truly amazing and enabled our family to undertake this sad journey together. This will never be forgotten.
To the Torrent Centre in Donaghmore for the lend of chairs, etc. To The Port Mor Restaurant and The Wildflower Café for meals during Peters illness and wake.
To all those who provided and served refreshments, directed traffic, assisted with parking throughout the wake and on the morning of the funeral.
Thank you to those that lined the route of the funeral procession to pay their respects and to Peters teaching colleagues that provided a guard of honour to the chapel door.
To Fr Kevin Donohoe and Fr Gerard McAleer for your guidance and support and for the beautiful Funeral Mass that celebrated Peters life so fully.
To Malachi and Plunkett for the music and singing that further enhanced the celebration of Peters life. It was simply beautiful.
To Fr Patrick Breslin PE. AP. who administered communion to Peter throughout his illness.
To the staff in Quinns corner for the beautiful meal following Peters funeral.
Finally, we would like to thank Paudge Quinn and colleagues for the professional, dignified and very personal way that Peters wake and funeral were conducted.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our appreciation.
Peters months mind mass will be celebrated on Friday 5th of July in St Patricks Church Donaghmore at 7.30pm.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

E. Quinn & Sons

175 Ballygawley Road,
Co. Tyrone

028 8776 7529 / 07712 888791

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