The death has occurred of:
Peggy GUNN
We the family of the late Peggy Gunn would like to express our sincere thanks and heartfelt appreciation to everyone who sympathised and supported us in our recent bereavement. Thanks to all those who called to the house, who phoned, who text and messages via social media, sent sympathy cards, brought food, and lined the route of the funeral cortege, to all those who formed a guard of honour before and after Mass.
A Special word of thanks to the doctors and staff at the Cuilcagh medical practice, Derrylin, Peader McGovern and his staff at McGovern’s Pharmacy for their help through the years, to Ward 8 for their professional care to Mum, a special thanks to Ward 9 and to the Palliative Care team at SWAH for their wonderful care and dignity you provided for our mother during her final days. Sincere thanks to Monsignor Peter O'Reilly and to the hospital chaplain for their spiritual visits to her which our mother gratefully appreciated. A special word of thanks to our wonderful neighbours and friends who all came to lend a hand around the house, airport runs, and parking of cars for the wake. Thanks to all who travelled a long distance to be here with us.
A big thanks to our places of work and our work colleagues for their understanding to allow us to spend our final days with Mum. A special thanks to Pat Blake Funeral Directors and his staff for the caring and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out through a difficult time. A huge thanks to Father Gerry Alwill for the celebration of a beautiful Mass she well deserved.
A special thanks to Aoife Cathcart for her most beautiful singing, to Gary Curley for his wonderful music. Also to the gravediggers Eoin Murphy and his team for their care and tidy work done to the grave, to Martina and her team for the refreshments after the funeral at Aughakillymaude Community Centre.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere appreciation and gratitude. Mum's Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday evening 16th July at 8.00 pm in St Ninnidh's Church Derrylin.
Thank you all.
Joseph, Sean, Brian, Mary, Jamie & Keava.