The death has occurred of:
Paul Kelly
The family of the late Paul Kelly R.I.P. wish to express their sincere thanks to all those who sympathized with them in their recent bereavement.
We especially thank all who called to the house, telephoned or sent text messages, sent Mass and sympathy cards, letters of condolence, brought gifts, paid respects along the funeral route or attended the Requiem Mass, either in person or via webcam.
We are thankful to Fr Peter Clarke and Francis for celebrating the Requiem Mass for him and to Father Quigley C.A.H.
Thanks also to Rosemary and Ciaran for providing the beautiful music during the Mass and to Colleen’s Kitchen for providing the catering in the Pastoral Hall after the funeral.
We also recognize the exceptional support provided to us by the expertise, thoughtfulness, and sensitivity of McAlinden & Murtagh, Funeral Directors.
Special thanks and appreciation are due to the Southern Trust healthcare professionals who supported Paul and his Family and to Dr Hegarty and Nurse Leigh at Craigavon Area Hospital (RESUS)
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere gratitude.
The Month's Mind Mass for Paul will be celebrated on Monday 22nd August at 7.00 pm in St Patrick’s Chapel, Portadown.