The death has occurred of:
Patrick DEVLIN
We the family of the late Patrick Devlin RIP would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all those who offered condolences, kindness and support to us during the difficult days surrounding his passing. Thank you to our families, friends and neighbours for their help and support throughout the wake and for their continued support.
Sincere thanks to all who called to the house, phoned, sent mass cards, helped with refreshments, the grave diggers, all the men who helped with the parking and everyone who attended the funeral. A very special word of thanks to Mc Closkeys for their beautiful guard of honour giving Patrick the send of he deserved.
Sincere thanks to Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors for the compassionate and professional manner in which all the funeral arrangements were carried out.
We would also like to express our gratitude to PK Murphy Construction for supplying lights and transport for the wake and to Conor Mc Callion, Jackie Loughran and Gerry Loughran for their beautiful music. Thanks to the Millwheel for providing refreshments after the funeral.
We would like to thank Fr Paddy Hughes for his spiritual support to us throughout the wake and for the funeral service. Thank you to all the emergency services who attended.
Finally, a special word of thanks to everyone who has so generously donated to the Niamh Louise Foundation in Patrick’s memory, a charity very close to our hearts.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation.
Patrick’s months mind mass will be celebrated on Friday 15th November at 7.30pm in St Joseph’s Church, Killeenan.