Patrick (Patsy) Murray


The sons, daughters and all extended family would like to express their sincere thanks to all those who
sympathised with us on our recent sad loss. A special thanks to Fr. Chester P.P., Roslea for the beautiful
Funeral Mass. Thanks to Fr. Brendan Gallagher (Fivemiletown), Canon Dawson (Brookeborough) and Fr.
Raymond for attending Patrick. Thanks to the sacristan Michael, the musicians for the lovely music and
all who participated in the Funeral Mass. Sincere thanks to those who cared for Patrick, home help
support, Carol, Dorothy and the team at Northwick House, the doctors and nursing staff in Ward 8, South
West Acute Hospital, Enniskillen. Thanks to all the relatives, neighbours and friends for their help and
support at this sad time. A heartfelt thanks to all who called at the house, sent Mass cards/messages of
sympathy and attended the Funeral Mass, especially those who travelled long distances. Thanks to
Margaret/Aidan Connolly, Undertakers and Conor Clerkin for the professional, dignified and respectful
way in which the funeral arrangements were carried out. A special word of thanks to the gravediggers for
the professional way they prepared Patrick’s final resting place. Thanks also to McCague’s restaurant for
the food following the funeral. As it is impossible to thank everybody individually, we hope this
acknowledgement will be accepted with our sincere thanks. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions. Patrick’s Month’s Mind Memorial Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 21st May
2023 in St. Tierney’s Church, Roslea, Co Fermanagh at 10.30am

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Aidan Connolly Undertaker

Co. Fermanagh
028 6775 1323/0035387 6226032
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The death has occurred of:
Patrick (Patsy) Murray

The sons, daughters and all extended family would like to express their sincere thanks to all those who
sympathised with us on our recent sad loss. A special thanks to Fr. Chester P.P., Roslea for the beautiful
Funeral Mass. Thanks to Fr. Brendan Gallagher (Fivemiletown), Canon Dawson (Brookeborough) and Fr.
Raymond for attending Patrick. Thanks to the sacristan Michael, the musicians for the lovely music and
all who participated in the Funeral Mass. Sincere thanks to those who cared for Patrick, home help
support, Carol, Dorothy and the team at Northwick House, the doctors and nursing staff in Ward 8, South
West Acute Hospital, Enniskillen. Thanks to all the relatives, neighbours and friends for their help and
support at this sad time. A heartfelt thanks to all who called at the house, sent Mass cards/messages of
sympathy and attended the Funeral Mass, especially those who travelled long distances. Thanks to
Margaret/Aidan Connolly, Undertakers and Conor Clerkin for the professional, dignified and respectful
way in which the funeral arrangements were carried out. A special word of thanks to the gravediggers for
the professional way they prepared Patrick’s final resting place. Thanks also to McCague’s restaurant for
the food following the funeral. As it is impossible to thank everybody individually, we hope this
acknowledgement will be accepted with our sincere thanks. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions. Patrick’s Month’s Mind Memorial Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 21st May
2023 in St. Tierney’s Church, Roslea, Co Fermanagh at 10.30am


Funeral Details


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Aidan Connolly Undertaker

Co. Fermanagh

028 6775 1323/0035387 6226032

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