Patrick Joseph KOLBOHM


Patrick Joseph (R.I.P).

Marie, Stephen, Emma and the Kolbohm and McVey family circle of the late Patrick Kolbohm would like to thank all those who supported and helped us in any way during our sad loss of Patrick.

To those who sent sympathy cards, Mass cards and brought food to the house.
A sincere thanks to our kind neighbours, family and friends for all their help during the wake.

A special thanks to the Medical teams who cared for Patrick
Dr Bradford and team, Craigavon Hospital, Dr. Convery and team, South Tyrone Hospital, to the Respiratory Community Nurses and and the doctors nurses and staff of Ardmore Medical Practise, our heartfelt gratitude to you all.

Our heartfelt thanks to Fr. Slater for the lovely funeral Mass and providing his spiritual support.
Thanks also to Gerry Loughran for providing the beautiful music, to the Altar Servers, Sacristan, readers and to the grave diggers who prepared Patricks final resting place.

To the Greenvale hotel for providing the beautiful refreshments after Patricks funeral Mass, to Stephen Mallon for the floral arrangement and to KC Marquess for providing the marquee during the wake.

A special word of thanks to Niall A. Loughran’s Funeral Directors for the way in which the wake and funeral arrangements were conducted, all in a very caring, professional and dignified manner.

To the Rock G.F.C for food and a lovely guard of honor at the Church.

The holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered up for your intentions.

Patrick’s months-mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 28th January at 10:30am in Sacred Heart Church the Rock.
St. Patrick Pray for him.

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Service Arrangements

Service date & Time

28 January 2024, 10.30AM



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Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors & Funeral Homes

Railway Yard,
Co. Tyrone
Visit Website
028 8676 5454 / 07732542229
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The death has occurred of:
Patrick Joseph KOLBOHM

Patrick Joseph (R.I.P).

Marie, Stephen, Emma and the Kolbohm and McVey family circle of the late Patrick Kolbohm would like to thank all those who supported and helped us in any way during our sad loss of Patrick.

To those who sent sympathy cards, Mass cards and brought food to the house.
A sincere thanks to our kind neighbours, family and friends for all their help during the wake.

A special thanks to the Medical teams who cared for Patrick
Dr Bradford and team, Craigavon Hospital, Dr. Convery and team, South Tyrone Hospital, to the Respiratory Community Nurses and and the doctors nurses and staff of Ardmore Medical Practise, our heartfelt gratitude to you all.

Our heartfelt thanks to Fr. Slater for the lovely funeral Mass and providing his spiritual support.
Thanks also to Gerry Loughran for providing the beautiful music, to the Altar Servers, Sacristan, readers and to the grave diggers who prepared Patricks final resting place.

To the Greenvale hotel for providing the beautiful refreshments after Patricks funeral Mass, to Stephen Mallon for the floral arrangement and to KC Marquess for providing the marquee during the wake.

A special word of thanks to Niall A. Loughran’s Funeral Directors for the way in which the wake and funeral arrangements were conducted, all in a very caring, professional and dignified manner.

To the Rock G.F.C for food and a lovely guard of honor at the Church.

The holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered up for your intentions.

Patrick’s months-mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 28th January at 10:30am in Sacred Heart Church the Rock.
St. Patrick Pray for him.


Funeral Details

Service Date & Time

28 January 2024, 10.30AM


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors & Funeral Homes

Railway Yard,
Co. Tyrone

Visit Website

028 8676 5454 / 07732542229

View Directory Profile