The death has occurred of:
Patricia MOLLOY (née Breen)
The family of the late Patricia Molloy (nee Breen) RIP would like to acknowledge and thank those who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement.
The family would like to sincerely thank those who took the time to attend the wake and funeral, who sent messages of sympathy and mass/sympathy cards and to those who have since kept Patricia and her family in their prayers. We especially thank our family and friends for helping out over the wake in so many different ways and to her neighbours in Tullyneil Court, Sixmilecross.
The family would like to thank Dr Michael Herron from Carrickmore Health Centre and the medical staff of Ward 24, Altnagelvin Hospital. To Fr Daniel McFaul, Chaplin of Altnagelvin Hospital for his spiritual attendance to Patricia which brought her so much comfort.
We would like to thank Fr Sean McCartan PP for the very fitting tribute to Patricia at her Requiem Mass and for taking the time to visit her in hospital. We would like to thank Gerry Loughran for the beautiful singing at the funeral and also those who helped prepare the chapel for the funeral. A special word of thanks to the Eucharist Ministers, Catriona and Roisin. We would like to thank the Gravedigger for preparing Patricia’s final resting place. A special word of thanks to Fergal and Paddy of Farley Undertakers for their professional and dignified service and to those from Farley’s Restaurant who prepared and served the refreshments after the funeral. Thank you to Beragh Red Knights for providing the Guard of Honour.
The family would also like to thank those who donated to Mary’s Meals a cause close to Patricia’s heart in lieu of flowers.
Patricia’s month’s mind mass will be celebrated on Sunday 10th March at 11.30am mass in Church of the Immaculate Conception, Beragh.
Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her gentle soul.