The death has occurred of:
Neville KIDD
Eileen Kidd and family would like to thank all those who supported them after the passing of Neville.
Special thanks to those that cared for Neville especially Harmony Care carers and staff of RVH ward 6A.
Also to Reverend Doctor David Bruce of First Lisburn for such a beautiful service and care shown to the family throughout. Thanks to Reverend Graham Stockdale for his facilitation and co ordination. The First Lisburn Church for kindness and serving the refreshments in the church hall.
Sincere thanks to the neighbours for the help and support.
To all those who sent donations c/o Bobby Morrisons for Parkinson’s, sent letters and cards of sympathy, telephoned, called at home, attended funeral; or helped in any way .
Trusting this acknowledgment will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation.