The death has occurred of:
Mickey Mullin
We, the family of the late Mickey Mullin, wish to express our deep appreciation to all those who sympathised with us on our recent bereavement. Our heartfelt thanks to those who paid their respects in any way, who called to the house, who telephoned, sent Mass or sympathy cards, and those who left messages online.
We wish to thank everyone involved in caring for Mickey in Three Rivers Nursing Home during the past 10 months, to our friends and kind neighbours and relatives, who helped us in so many ways before he went into the Nursing home and have continued to help us afterwards.
We extend our sincere gratitude to our families, neighbours and friends who worked tirelessly providing tea throughout the wake, who cooked and brought food to the wake, and those who helped with the car parking at the family home.
Our deepest gratitude and thanks to Father Sean McCartan, for his continued spiritual support, guidance, and for celebrating a beautiful Requiem Mass. We convey our appreciation also to the Sacristan, the Eucharistic ministers and everyone who assisted with the mass. A special note of thanks to Louise McNamee for the beautiful singing and Maria McSorley for the accompanying music.
A special word of thanks to Leo and Agnes Donaghy and Paddy Montague from Donaghy & Montague Funeral Directors, for the dignified and professional manner in which all the funeral arrangements were carried out. The guidance and assistance you gave us was very much appreciated during those difficult days. Also thanks to Brendan McKenna for preparing Mickey’s final place of rest.
Thank you to Fergal Farley and staff for the lovely refreshments after the funeral, and to Beragh Red Knights GAC for use of the Pavillion.
We will always be grateful for the support we received and continue to receive. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a gesture of our gratitude. Mickey’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in The Church of the Immaculate Conception Beragh on Sunday 5th November at 11.30 am, and may also be viewed via the Beragh parish webcam.