The death has occurred of:
Michael Colgan
Michael Colgan, Fintona
Died 30th June 2021
We, the family of Michael Colgan, would like to thank most sincerely all who sympathised with us in our recent sad bereavement. Thank you to all our family, friends and neighbours who called to the house, brought refreshments, sent Mass and Sympathy Cards, made donations in lieu of flowers, telephoned and left messages of condolence online or via social media. Thank you to everyone who attended the removal and lined the funeral route, special thanks to Fintona Pearses GAC, Fintona Senior Citizens and Fintona CCE for the Guards of Honour. Thank you to all who attended the Funeral Mass in person, or joined online via the Parish webcam. A special thank you to Father Kevin Connolly for your support during Dad 's illness and celebration of his Requiem Mass. Thank you to the Sacristan and to St. Lawrence's Parish Choir who provided the beautiful music. Many thanks to McAtee Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which they carried out their duties, to Tommy for preparing Dad's final resting place and to Nuala, Julie and the members of Fintona CCE who provided music in the graveyard.
We are most grateful to all who looked after and cared for Dad during his illness, to Fintona Medical Centre and Una Cassidy Chemist, the Cardiac Unit SWAH, Beragh District Nursing Team, Marie Curie nurses and to his carers, especially Ann and Josie.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust you will accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere gratitude.
Michael's Month Mind Mass will be celebrated in St. Lawrence's Church, Fintona on Saturday 7th August at 10.00am.