Michael (Mickey) McGONAGLE


Month's Mind Mass / Acknowledgement


Michael's wife Vonnie, sons, daughters and family would like to express our sincere thanks for the kindness and support shown to us by our wider family, friends and neighbours following our recent bereavement.

Thanks to those who attended the wake and funeral, provided food, those who sent flowers or donated to the charity, sent mass cards, messages and offered prayers.

Sincere thanks to Fr Sean O'Donnell for the beautiful personal mass and also his spiritual guidance at the wake.

Thank you to Lauren, Beth and Damien for the beautiful singing and music at the mass.

We would also like to extend our deepest gratitude and thank most sincerely the Doctors and nurses of the Hospital at Home team and ward 22 Altnagelvin Hospital and his own Doctors and district nurses from Aberfoyle surgery for the care they gave Michael in his final days.

Thank you to Bradley & Mc Laughlin Funeral Directors for the professional, dignified and sympathetic manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please take this acknowledgment a token of our sincere appreciation.

Michael's Month's Mind Mass will be in St Brigid's Chapel, Carnhill on Thursday 20th June at 7pm. Everyone is welcome

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Service Arrangements

Service date & Time

20 June 2024, 7.00PM

Service Live Stream



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Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors

31 William Street,
Co. Derry/Londonderry
Visit Website
028 7126 4467
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The death has occurred of:
Michael (Mickey) McGONAGLE

Month's Mind Mass / Acknowledgement


Michael's wife Vonnie, sons, daughters and family would like to express our sincere thanks for the kindness and support shown to us by our wider family, friends and neighbours following our recent bereavement.

Thanks to those who attended the wake and funeral, provided food, those who sent flowers or donated to the charity, sent mass cards, messages and offered prayers.

Sincere thanks to Fr Sean O'Donnell for the beautiful personal mass and also his spiritual guidance at the wake.

Thank you to Lauren, Beth and Damien for the beautiful singing and music at the mass.

We would also like to extend our deepest gratitude and thank most sincerely the Doctors and nurses of the Hospital at Home team and ward 22 Altnagelvin Hospital and his own Doctors and district nurses from Aberfoyle surgery for the care they gave Michael in his final days.

Thank you to Bradley & Mc Laughlin Funeral Directors for the professional, dignified and sympathetic manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please take this acknowledgment a token of our sincere appreciation.

Michael's Month's Mind Mass will be in St Brigid's Chapel, Carnhill on Thursday 20th June at 7pm. Everyone is welcome


Funeral Details

Service Date & Time

20 June 2024, 7.00PM


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Bradley & McLaughlin Funeral Directors

31 William Street,
Co. Derry/Londonderry

Visit Website

028 7126 4467

View Directory Profile