The death has occurred of:
Michael (Mickey) Harkin
The family of the late Michael (Mickey) Harkin, 82 Northland Road, Derry,
thank you for the sympathy shared on the occasion of his death on October 30th.
The love shown to us, the respect given to Mickey, the memories shared,
and donations to Trocaire’s middle east appeal have helped to console us in our sorrow.
We are deeply grateful to Mickey’s home care teams, staff of Aberfoyle Medical,
Western Urgent Care, NI Ambulance staff, and all in Altnagelvin Hospital for their care and concern.
We thank the priests of St Eugene’s Cathedral, the Redemptorist Community,
St Mary’s Cloughcor, the Hospital Chaplaincy Team as well as Quigley’s Funeral Directors.
Mickey’s Month’s Mind Mass will take place at 7.30pm on Thursday 30th November
in St Eugene’s Cathedral; at this, we will remember in prayers and with gratitude
all who were so kind to Mickey, and to us.
Your goodness will be an enduring memory of great comfort.