The death has occurred of:
May Jones
May Jones
104 Boho Road,
05 November 2024
The family of the late May Jones
wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with us on our recent and sad bereavement. Those who attended the wake, removal, and funeral, and sent Mass cards or sympathy cards and donated to Boho Parish Fund in support of Sacred Heart Church, Boho.
Thanks to Parish Priest Fr. Cathal Deery PP. who celebrated the Funeral Mass and attended May in her home, and Eucharistic Ministers, and to Fr. Maurice McMorrow, PP. Kinawley and Father Brian D’Arcy of the Grann and all who participated in the funeral mass. To Sheena Dolan and Francis Rasdale for the beautiful music and singing, and Sexton of Monea church, John Duffy.
To McGurren Contracts for preparing May's final resting place. Thanks to Boho Community Hall committee for their kind use of the hall for refreshments and also those who helped on the day.
A special word of thanks to the Doctors of Cuilcagh Medical Practice, Derrygonnelly, and Florencecourt and also to the receptionists. A special thanks to Sister Monica and all the nursing staff of the Health Centre Belcoo many who cared for May in her home. Also thank you to Niall and the staff at Belcoo Pharmacy.
To all the Carers from Western Trust and North West Care who looked after May over the years. We can’t thank you enough for the outstanding care you all gave to May.
A special thank you to Marie Curie Care at Home Nurses who cared for May in her final days.
Our grateful appreciation to Liam and Lee Jones for their professional and dignified manner with which they carried out all the funeral arrangements.
For all our kind neighbours and friends who offered their help and support and travelled from near and far to offer their thoughts and sympathies.
Please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our gratitude for all your support.
May Month’s Memory Mass will be celebrated at The Church of The Immaculate Conception, Monea on Sunday 8th December at 10am.