The death has occurred of:
The family of the late May Bleeks wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised and supported them during their recent sad bereavement. We especially wish to thank the paramedics, the PSNI, Dr T.C. Johnston and all those who helped at the scene when May became unwell.
Our sincerest thanks to Rev. Canon R.J.N. Porteus and Rev. Canon D. Dawson for all their pastoral care, home visits and conducting the funeral service. We also wish to thank Michael McElhatton and the staff at Greenvale Hotel for the excellent refreshment service after the funeral.
A special word of thanks must go to all our family and friends who attended the funeral, called at the home, sent cards of condolence, telephoned or helped in any way and also to those who made a donation to Derryloran Parish Church in lieu of flowers.
Finally, sincere thanks to Bryan Steenson and Steenson Funeral Services for the caring, dignified and professional manner in which they attended to the funeral arrangements.
We trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation.