We, the family of the late Maxine McConaghy, would like to express our sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with us in our recent sad bereavement and for the love and kindness shown by all.

A special word of thanks to those Ministers who took part in the service at Loughaghery Presbyterian church (Rev Leslie Patterson, Rev Paul Jamieson, Dr Jack Richardson, Rev John Davey, and Canon Robert Howard) and at the burial at Toberkeigh Presbyterian church (The Very Rev Dr Godfrey Brown and Rev James Hyndman, and for the assistance from Rev John Stanbridge). We also wish to thank Carol Patton, and Ruth Long who accompanied the combined choirs from Cargycreevy and Loughaghery Presbyterian churches and who led the praise. The music was very uplifting and they all truly made the service one of thanks to Almighty God and a celebration of Maxine’s life.

We would also like to thank George Hanna and staff from the Mulberry Tree, Seaforde who provided the beautiful refreshments after the funeral and to Hilary (and Hazel) and Ian McConaghy who opened their home to all for refreshment after the burial.

Our thanks go out to Norman McBriar and Son Funeral Undertakers (Saintfield) and all his staff for the sympathetic, caring, and dignified way they supported us throughout. We are indebted to them and also to the gravedigger and to all church family members.

We wish to thank everyone who attended the funeral and those who sent cards, and letters, who posted loving messages on social media, who telephoned and who brought gifts of food and who very generously supported Cancer Research in memory of Maxine.

We give thanks too for the Doctors and staff of Dromara surgery, and for the Doctors and nurses of the Royal Victoria Hospital (particularly those of ward 7D) and for the Chaplaincy team and for the Paramedics of the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service, the District nurses and members of the local Palliative care team. The care and attention that Maxine received was first class.

David, Heather, Christine and Sheila deeply appreciate all who helped in any way and they are very grateful for all the loving memories of a beloved wife, much loved mother and friend. We hope that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our very heartfelt gratitude.

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Norman McBriar & Son

37 Saintfield Mill,
Co. Down
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028 9751 9739
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The death has occurred of:

We, the family of the late Maxine McConaghy, would like to express our sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with us in our recent sad bereavement and for the love and kindness shown by all.

A special word of thanks to those Ministers who took part in the service at Loughaghery Presbyterian church (Rev Leslie Patterson, Rev Paul Jamieson, Dr Jack Richardson, Rev John Davey, and Canon Robert Howard) and at the burial at Toberkeigh Presbyterian church (The Very Rev Dr Godfrey Brown and Rev James Hyndman, and for the assistance from Rev John Stanbridge). We also wish to thank Carol Patton, and Ruth Long who accompanied the combined choirs from Cargycreevy and Loughaghery Presbyterian churches and who led the praise. The music was very uplifting and they all truly made the service one of thanks to Almighty God and a celebration of Maxine’s life.

We would also like to thank George Hanna and staff from the Mulberry Tree, Seaforde who provided the beautiful refreshments after the funeral and to Hilary (and Hazel) and Ian McConaghy who opened their home to all for refreshment after the burial.

Our thanks go out to Norman McBriar and Son Funeral Undertakers (Saintfield) and all his staff for the sympathetic, caring, and dignified way they supported us throughout. We are indebted to them and also to the gravedigger and to all church family members.

We wish to thank everyone who attended the funeral and those who sent cards, and letters, who posted loving messages on social media, who telephoned and who brought gifts of food and who very generously supported Cancer Research in memory of Maxine.

We give thanks too for the Doctors and staff of Dromara surgery, and for the Doctors and nurses of the Royal Victoria Hospital (particularly those of ward 7D) and for the Chaplaincy team and for the Paramedics of the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service, the District nurses and members of the local Palliative care team. The care and attention that Maxine received was first class.

David, Heather, Christine and Sheila deeply appreciate all who helped in any way and they are very grateful for all the loving memories of a beloved wife, much loved mother and friend. We hope that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our very heartfelt gratitude.

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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Norman McBriar & Son

37 Saintfield Mill,
Co. Down

Visit Website

028 9751 9739

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