The death has occurred of:
Maureen Quinn (née Graham)
Acknowledgement from the Family of Maureen Quinn R.I.P
We the family of Maureen Quinn would like to express our sincere & heartfelt Thanks to our entire family circle, friends, neighbours & everyone who helped at the wake during our recent bereavement. To all those who attended the wake, brought food, sent mass cards, messaged & phoned or helped in any other way, attended the funeral or watched online. It gave us great comfort knowing Mummy was so well thought of.
A Special word of Thanks to Fr Tremer for celebrating the Requiem mass in the thoughtful way he did & also for the comforting visits to Mummy in her last days.
Thank You to Margaret Anne & Patrick for the beautiful music.
Our Sincere Thanks to Lavery’s Funeral Directors, Conan & Pat for the professional, compassionate and dignified way they carried out the funeral. Thanks to the Grave Diggers. Also Thanks to Moortown St Malachy’s for helping with traffic control during the wake and the Guard of Honour at the funeral.
We extend our heartfelt Thanks to the staff of Belfast City Hospital, Antrim area Hospital, Coagh District Nurses, The doctors of Coagh Medical Centre, Marie Curie Nurses, NI Hospice, The carers of Extra care & Coagh Pharmacy. Their Kindness & Support to us as a family and to Mummy was outstanding & very much appreciated.
As it is impossible to Thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our appreciation to all those who helped or paid their respects in any way.
Mummy’s Month Mind Mass will be celebrated on Monday 9th December at 7.30pm in The Church of the Immaculate Conception, Moortown.
St Padre Pio pray for Her.