The death has occurred of:
Maureen Lappin (née McGahan)
Lappin, Maureen (Mary Teresa)
We the family of the late Maureen Lappin would like to thank all who sympathised with us during our recent sad bereavement. To our kind neighbours, family, friends and everyone who called at the house, sent Mass and sympathy cards, brought gifts of foods, attended the funeral or helped us in any way at the time of the wake, your kindness and support was very much appreciated. To all who cared for Mummy, especially the staff of Tynan Surgery, Craigavon Area Hospital, Collegeland and Dunlarg Nursing Homes and the carers who attended her in her home, we thank you all.
We wish to express our gratitude to Fr Sean Moore for his pastoral care and spiritual guidance offered to Mummy over the years and for the beautiful Requiem Mass he concelebrated with his Eminence Cardinal Sean Brady. To Catherine Grimley-Hughes and Joanna Doran, a special thank you for the beautiful singing and music which enhanced the Mass greatly. To St. Joseph’s PS Madden for their guard of honour, we thank you.
Thank you to Aine Pearson who provided the after-burial refreshments in Middletown Marketplace and Cordella’s who kindly sent out food during the wake.
Many thanks to Damian Smith and Sons Funeral Undertakers for their professional guidance at this sad time and a special word of thanks to Richard Emerson, the grave digger, who prepared Mummy’s final resting place with such care and attention, we thank you sincerely.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a sincere token of our appreciation.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the intentions of all.
Mummy’s Months Mind Mass will be held in St. John’s Church Middletown on Saturday 20th January at 12 noon.
May her gentle soul rest in eternal peace