The death has occurred of:
The sons, daughters and twin sister Margaret of the late Mrs Mary Wilson, Killymaddy Knox, Dungannon, wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement.
To Campbell's Surgery, especially to Dr Gildernew who cared for her from before Christmas and coming out to see her on several occasions. Dr Gildernew's dedication courtesy and manner in which she looked after her was exemplary. The District nurses, Sister Marion Devlin and a special thanks to Sister Rosina Doyle who gave special attention and dedication to her over the weeks prior her
passing. For her faithfulness and unfailing care and attention. And all district nurses who came to the house over the past 2 years. Also to the Marie Currie team who came to mum in her last few days. The family would also like to thank all who cared for mum, from Anne's Homecare team, Jody and Audra the main carers and all others who came to the house.
A special thanks to Rev Clive Webster and Mr Andy Witherall Lay Evangelist for conducting the funeral service at Dungannon Methodist Church, the organist and the church members who helped in the church. To Emily Crozier Catering, who provided refreshments in the church hall after the committal. Also to the Rev William Newell, minister of the church for his pastoral visits in the weeks and months previous.
Heartfelt thanks to all the kind friends and neighbours who called at the home, brought gifts, gave donations, sent messages of sympathy, attended the funeral or helped in any other way.
A special thanks to F. Martin and Sons, Funeral Directors, Keith, John and Irene for the dignified and professional manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements and also to Mr John Roberts and Mr Andy Watt, the grave diggers.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgment as an expression of our deepest gratitude for your kindness and support.
Dungannon, Ballygawley & Fintona