The death has occurred of:
Mary McSorley (née Baxter)
Mary McSorley,
Fintona, Co Tyrone.
Died 2nd March 2022.
Mary passed away on the 2nd of March surrounded by her loving family, a widely respected, devoted family lady, wife, mother, mother in law, nanny, great nanny, sister, sister in law, aunt and friend. We, her family wish to express our sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all those who paid their respects in any way. Our thanks to those who called to the house, who telephoned, who brought Mass or sympathy cards, floral tributes or food and those who left messages online or via social media. Thanks to those who lined the funeral route or who joined us at the Mass or via the webcam, especially those who travelled long distances. Sincere thanks to our neighbours, relatives, and friends who helped out in so many ways during Mum’s illness and during the wake.
A special word of thanks to Father Seán Mulligan for his spiritual support during his many visits to Mum during her illness and in her final hours and for the comforting Requiem Mass. We convey our appreciation also to the Sacristan and everyone who assisted with the Mass, especially the singer Louise Coyle who provided the beautiful music. Thank you to McAtee Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out and to the grave digger Tommy for preparing Mum’s final resting place.
We would also like to sincerely thank the Fintona and Beragh District Nursing Team, Community Palliative Care Team, Community carers and the Marie Curie nurses for their care and dedication in assisting our family to care for Mum at home. Our grateful thanks also to Dr Rushe and Una Cassidy and staff for all their help.
We also extend our thanks to Tony and staff at Fintona Golf Club for the lovely refreshments after the funeral.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a gesture of our family’s deepest gratitude.
Mum’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Lawrence’s Church, Fintona on Friday 1st April at 7.30pm and may also be viewed via the Donacavey Parish Webcam.
Our Lady pray for her.