Mary Curran (née Fitzgerald)


We the family of the late Mary Curran RIP ( 2. Cavehill Drive, Ardboe) wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who sympathised, prayed and supported us through the recent passing of our much loved Mother, Mother-in-law, Grandmother and Great Grandmother.

We would like to acknowledge all those who paid their respects in anyway.
A Heartfelt thanks to our many neighbours, family and friends, who brought food, Mass cards, sent messages, posted tributes, We greatly appreciate all the empathy, kindness and support we received throughout our sad bereavement.

We are deeply grateful to Father Tremer P.P. for his attendance to Mum and for the spiritual support to us as a family and for his truly fitting homily during the celebration of the beautiful Requiem Mass and to all those who attended, as well as those who followed the online stream, your presence brought us great comfort.

A special thank you to Roisin & Emmett for the beautiful music, it was very touching.
We the family express our sincere thanks to the wonderful carers who attended Mum at home, you were a great help and support, To the Doctors and staff of Stewartstown Health Centre, District Nurses, MacMillan thank you for attending to Mum and for the support and care you gave her.

A massive thank you to Cassidy Funeral Directors for all their help and their professional and dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.

A special word of thanks to Mums neighbours for the kindness and care yous showed her it wont ever be forgotten. A thank you to the grave diggers for preparing our mothers final resting place. A thanks also to Ardboe community centre and the staff of superb platters for providing the refreshments after the funeral.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation.

Mum's Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 26th of October at 6pm in The Church of the Blessed Sacrament Mullinahoe Ardboe.

St. Padre Pio pray for her.

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Cassidy Funeral Directors

9a Moss Road,
Co. Tyrone
028 8673 5594 / 07967562261
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The death has occurred of:
Mary Curran (née Fitzgerald)

We the family of the late Mary Curran RIP ( 2. Cavehill Drive, Ardboe) wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who sympathised, prayed and supported us through the recent passing of our much loved Mother, Mother-in-law, Grandmother and Great Grandmother.

We would like to acknowledge all those who paid their respects in anyway.
A Heartfelt thanks to our many neighbours, family and friends, who brought food, Mass cards, sent messages, posted tributes, We greatly appreciate all the empathy, kindness and support we received throughout our sad bereavement.

We are deeply grateful to Father Tremer P.P. for his attendance to Mum and for the spiritual support to us as a family and for his truly fitting homily during the celebration of the beautiful Requiem Mass and to all those who attended, as well as those who followed the online stream, your presence brought us great comfort.

A special thank you to Roisin & Emmett for the beautiful music, it was very touching.
We the family express our sincere thanks to the wonderful carers who attended Mum at home, you were a great help and support, To the Doctors and staff of Stewartstown Health Centre, District Nurses, MacMillan thank you for attending to Mum and for the support and care you gave her.

A massive thank you to Cassidy Funeral Directors for all their help and their professional and dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.

A special word of thanks to Mums neighbours for the kindness and care yous showed her it wont ever be forgotten. A thank you to the grave diggers for preparing our mothers final resting place. A thanks also to Ardboe community centre and the staff of superb platters for providing the refreshments after the funeral.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation.

Mum's Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 26th of October at 6pm in The Church of the Blessed Sacrament Mullinahoe Ardboe.

St. Padre Pio pray for her.


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Cassidy Funeral Directors

9a Moss Road,
Co. Tyrone

028 8673 5594 / 07967562261

View Directory Profile