The death has occurred of:
Martin Mc Knight
Martin Mc Knight
4th August 2023
Kay, and the Mc Knight and Mc Brearty families wish to sincerely thank all family, friends and neighbours who attended Martin`s wake and funeral. Thanks to all those who sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, phoned, texted and sent floral tributes. A word of thanks to everyone who travelled long distances to be with us at this sad time. Special thanks to everyone who brought food, made tea and helped in anyway over the wake. Thanks to Neil for the use of the Social Centre for the teas after the funeral. Thanks to Martin`s former colleagues of O.N.E. and the U.N. veterans for their guard of honour at the church.
Thanks to Fr. Colm O`Doherty for the beautiful Requiem Mass, also to Grace and Rachel for the music in the chapel.
To Jude Maguire and staff, Quigley Funeral Director’s for their support and professionalism.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our deepest appreciation.
Martin`s Month`s Mind will be celebrated at 11a.m. Mass
in St Patrick`s Church, Murlog, Lifford on Sunday 10th September 2023
Gallows Lane, Lifford.