The death has occurred of:
Martin Hugh Appleton
The family of the late Martin Appleton would like to express their heartfelt thanks to everyone who sympathised with us during our recent bereavement, to those who sent cards, messages of condolence or made donations in lieu of flowers. Thankyou.
Sincere thanks to the very many special friends and relatives for their support, your kindness will never be forgotten.
Sadly due to the covid restrictions we would also like to thank those who could not sympathise with us in person. Thankyou to all those who paid respects outside our home, chapel and graveside. Your presence did not go unnoticed. Thankyou to all those who watched the service online and kept us in their prayers.
A special thanks to the doctors and nurses who cared for Martin. The N.W Cancer Care Centre, Altnagelvin, the Mater and Royal Hospitals, Belfast, Aberfoyle Surgery, District, Foyle Hospice and Marie Curie nurses who treated Martin with the upmost respect, care and compassion.
We are sincerely grateful to Fr. Gerard Mongan for visiting the house, for his support, prayers and celebration of Martins life during the funeral mass.
Thankyou to everyone who contributed to the beautiful singing and music. A special thanks to Annemarie Hickey and Aidan Watkins.
Heartfelt thanks to McClafferty Funeral Directors for the professional, sensitive, dignified and caring manner in which they carried out Martins funeral.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted as an expression of our gratitude and thanks.