The death has occurred of:
Marie Mc Guckin (née Mc Cormack)
Patrick, Michael, Catherine and family wish to acknowledge with deep appreciation the love and support given to us during our recent sad bereavement. Marie was a much loved wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, daughter in law and sister in law, and true friend to all who knew her.
We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to everyone who supported us on the the loss of Marie. To all those involved in helping care for Marie during her illness including Loy Medical Centre, especially Dr. Hutton, the carers and District nurses who tended to her needs daily, the Marie Curie nurses who gave so much support to Marie and the family, especially in her final days. We also wish to specially thank Collette for her constant dedication to Marie during her entire illness. Our thanks also to the staff in the Cancer Centre of Belfast City Hospital, staff in the Royal Hospital and to Dr Drain and the respiratory team in Antrim Area Hospital. A special word of thanks to Dr. Declan Quinn, Patricia Rodgers and the staff in C1 Ward in Antrim. We will be forever indebted for your special care of Marie.
Thanks to all those who aided Marie at home during her illness including close friends, family and colleagues.
Thank you to the huge number of people, relatives, neighbours, friends and work colleagues who attended the wake and funeral, contacted our family, sent cards and messages of sympathy. Thanks to all those who helped during the wake and funeral especially Ballinderry Shamrocks GAC, Ballinderry Community Hub Committee and to all those who donated and served refreshments over the 3 days - there are too many to name individually.
A special word of thanks to Mark Cassidy of Cassidy Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which he carried out the funeral arrangements. To Fr. Peter Donnelly we express sincere thanks for calling at our house and carrying out the funeral mass. Also a special thank you to Monsignor Curry for his visits to our home and to the hospital. Marie gained great comfort from these. To Mary Kerr who led our weekly Rosary group and all those who prayed weekly for Marie, we are eternally grateful. Thanks to the schools, teams, organisations and Creggan choir who provided the guards of honour on route and at the chapel.
Thanks to all who participated in the funeral mass including those who provided the music. Thanks to the Ballinderry Community Hub Committee for their organisation of the refreshments after the funeral.
Thank you to The Principal and Staff of St Patrick’s Maghera for their consideration and support during Marie’s illness. The Memorial Mass in Maghera, celebrated by Fr Paddy Doherty demonstrated the love and the high esteem in which Marie was held in the college. Marie loved St. Pats!
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually we hope this acknowledgment will be accepted as a token of our appreciation.
The Months Mind Mass for Marie will be celebrated on Friday 10th June at 7.30pm in St. Patrick’s, Ballinderry.
Sacred Heart of Jesus we place all our trust in you