Margaret (Peggy) Morris (née Harkin)

We, the family of Margaret (Peggy) Morris, wish to express our sincerest thanks to all our family, friends, neighbours and colleagues who gave comfort and support and who expressed sympathy during our recent sad bereavement. We offer our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended the wake and funeral and to those who sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, flowers, donations and messages of support. Our sincerest gratitude to all those who provided refreshments, brought food or helped in any way.
A special and heartfelt thank you to the District Nurses in Newtownstewart for the exceptional care and attention given to Mum, to Marie Curie Nurse (Ann) who attended to Mum in her final days with loving care and compassion. Our sincerest appreciation also to all of the Glen Caring Staff on the ground who always treated Mum with the utmost care and compassion. A special and sincere thank you also to June and Natalie for the support and dedication you gave to Mum – it is greatly appreciated.
Our deepest appreciation to Father Roland Colhoun for his spiritual support and for the Requiem Mass. Thank you also to Father Patsy Arkinson for calling at the home. Our sincere thanks also to Bernie and Eugene whose beautiful music and singing helped to make Mum’s Requiem Mass so special.
Sincere thanks also to Jude and staff at Quigley & Son, Funeral Directors, for their dignified, caring and professional manner in carrying out Mum’s funeral. Thanks also to those who prepared the grave.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our family’s deep appreciation.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the intentions of all.
Mum’s Months Mind Mass will be held in St Eugene’s Church, Glenock
at 11.30 am on Sunday 12th February 2023.

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Thomas Quigley & Son

1a Newtown Place,
Co. Tyrone
Visit Website
028 7138 2080 / 07767795536
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The death has occurred of:
Margaret (Peggy) Morris (née Harkin)

We, the family of Margaret (Peggy) Morris, wish to express our sincerest thanks to all our family, friends, neighbours and colleagues who gave comfort and support and who expressed sympathy during our recent sad bereavement. We offer our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended the wake and funeral and to those who sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, flowers, donations and messages of support. Our sincerest gratitude to all those who provided refreshments, brought food or helped in any way.
A special and heartfelt thank you to the District Nurses in Newtownstewart for the exceptional care and attention given to Mum, to Marie Curie Nurse (Ann) who attended to Mum in her final days with loving care and compassion. Our sincerest appreciation also to all of the Glen Caring Staff on the ground who always treated Mum with the utmost care and compassion. A special and sincere thank you also to June and Natalie for the support and dedication you gave to Mum – it is greatly appreciated.
Our deepest appreciation to Father Roland Colhoun for his spiritual support and for the Requiem Mass. Thank you also to Father Patsy Arkinson for calling at the home. Our sincere thanks also to Bernie and Eugene whose beautiful music and singing helped to make Mum’s Requiem Mass so special.
Sincere thanks also to Jude and staff at Quigley & Son, Funeral Directors, for their dignified, caring and professional manner in carrying out Mum’s funeral. Thanks also to those who prepared the grave.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our family’s deep appreciation.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the intentions of all.
Mum’s Months Mind Mass will be held in St Eugene’s Church, Glenock
at 11.30 am on Sunday 12th February 2023.

Funeral Details


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Kirwan Funeral Directors

Thomas Quigley & Son

1a Newtown Place,
Co. Tyrone

Visit Website

028 7138 2080 / 07767795536

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