The death has occurred of:
The family of the late Letitia Stafford wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement.
Especially all who cared and helped for Letitia over this passed months, Dr McConville and District Nurses of Moy Health Centre, Craigavon Area Hospital, the Acute care at home, Marie Curie, Palliative Care Team, Enable Care and Gordon’s Chemist, Moy.
Appreciation to Rev G. Mullan for his visitations and officiating at the funeral and Mrs Wendy Finlay the organist.
Thanks to St Patrick’s Parish Church, Clonfeacle for the use of their cups, saucers and chairs.
Thanks to all the family and friends who called at the home, brought food, sent messages of sympathy, telephoned, gave donations to Marie Curie and Alzheimer’s Society, those who attended the funeral, and helped in any way.
Special thanks to Simply Good Catering for proving and serving the refreshment after the burial and F. Martin & Sons Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which they conducted the funeral arrangements.
Trusting the acknowledgement will be appreciated by all in grateful appreciation.
Robert & June, Selwyn & Sandra, Ruby & their families