The death has occurred of:
The Wife, Sons, Daughter, Son in-law, Daughters in law, Grandchildren, Brothers and Sister would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement.
We thank all our family, friends and neighbours who helped in so many ways.
To those who helped at the wake and all who sent mass or sympathy cards, messages of support, telephoned and sent flowers.
We would like to thank most sincerely those who called at our home and to everyone who stood in the graveyard during the burial and those who posted tributes on social media. We are extremely grateful to all our family, friends and neighbours for their kindness in bringing food during the wake.
We extend our appreciation to Fr John Heagney for the fitting requiem mass and homily and for attending to Leo in the days before.
The family would also like to thank those who participated in the funeral mass. A special thanks to Ciara Fox for the beautiful music during the mass and to Dearbhla O’Donnell for playing the bagpipes at the graveside.
The family would like to thank those who participated in the funeral mass including the readers, those involved in carrying the gifts celebrating Leo’s life, the Altar Server, Eucharistic Minister, Gravedigger and Sacristan. Thanks to those who lined the roads to pay their respects to Leo.
Sincere thanks PJ and Patrick Quinn at P. Quinn and Son Undertakers for the professional and dignified manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements.
A special word of thanks to Marian and Vincent Daly and all the staff at the Ryandale for providing the lovely refreshments after the funeral at our home and during the wake. Your help throughout was greatly appreciated.
Thanks to Dr Garland and all the staff at Parkview Surgery for all their support to Leo in his final years. Thanks also to the doctors in Craigavon Area Hospital for all their support to Leo throughout his short illness. Thanks also to the Marie Curie and Macmillian Nurses for their help and support throughout his last few weeks. Thanks to Sean McGirr and all the staff at Enable Care for caring for Leo over the past months.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we the Family trust that everyone will accept this as a token of our appreciation.
The Holy Sacrifice of the mass has been offered for all your intentions.
A month’s mind mass will be held for Leo on Friday 28th May at 7:30pm in St Patricks Church Eglish.
The mass can also be viewed via live stream:
May his gentle soul Rest In Place.
Eglish, Derrylaughan, Dungannon, Killyman, Moy, London.